MTSS for Student Success: Prioritizing Mental Wellness in...

We are thrilled to welcome you to the MTSS for Student Success conference. This event is designed to bring together educators, administrators, and other stakeholders. The event will concentrate on promoting mental wellness in schools and effectively incorporating services into the school system. 

Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights, practical tools, and networking opportunities that will help you enhance student achievement and well-being. Throughout the conference, you will have the chance to:

  • Learn from expert speakers on a variety of mental wellness topics.

  • Participate in interactive workshops and discussions.

  • Connect with experts in mental wellness.

  • Explore innovative resources and tools in a curated mental wellness room.

We will have two keynote speakers, Dr. Celeste Malone and Dr. Mark Weist. Dr. Malone will address community mental health concerns and disparities and provide a message of hope. Dr. Weist will discuss "Climate Change for Good: Leveraging School Behavioral Health Practices to Improve School Climate" and will moderate our lunch panel, focusing on community violence and mental health in our schools and communities.

We have organized five sessions with four concurrent strands. Attendees can move between different strands to accommodate their specific roles and interests. Additionally, we will host a networking session and a Conversation Cafe, during which practitioners will give short presentations and share resources and research.

We are excited to have you join us and look forward to a productive and inspiring conference.

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